Digital art
Most of my digital art starts with a sketch on paper. The sketch is then scanned and colored in photoshop with a wacom tablet as painting tool.
I love to work digital….
It is another tool in the toolbox….
I first learned to work digital back in 2007 when I was work at Runestone Game Development.As a team we were working on a MMORG online roleplaying sci-fi game. I was a texture artist, and loved all the possibilities working digital gave me, I had to come up with sci-fi textures and materials like ceramic metal…and what have you. Back then I also did special efftects digital, I feel back on my carrer as a traditional animator where I also did special effects….back in the good old analog days, on paper:) I worked digital for many years as a professional illustrator, and didn´t touch traditional materials other than pencil. Eventually I missed going into an art store….The touch and smell of the materials, learning about different papers, inks, pigments….I wanted that back into my life. Now I evaluate each commission and choose which media will do the job best.